so it's been a while since I've posted... it's because of exams.
I may be emotionally unstable for the next two weeks... it's because of exams.
I might not be emotionally and mentally prepared for christmas... it's because of exams.
sorry I started crying when I spilt coffee on myself... it's because of exams.
If I look like I forgot how to dress myself... it's because of exams.
you get the picture right? please don't hold anything against me that happens in the next two weeks because I'm pretending that exams are a valid excuse for all of it (I know it's not).
If anyone wants to send encouragement my way or remind me that I need to stop acting like a psycho here's my exam schedule with a guide on the level of crazy you can expect that day:
Friday the 5th: Weather and Climate Exam; not cumulative but need to do really well so a moderate level of crazy.
Monday the 8th: Math Exam; cumulative and it's math so obviously high levels of crazy.
Tuesday the 9th: Communications Exam; not cumulative so low levels of crazy (hopefully).
Thursday the 11th: History Exam; cumulative and last day to this one is hard to predict BUT I GET TO GO HOME AFTER!!
and for all you people who ask me in the near future how I'm liking college and I say I want to be home it is not because I don't like wilmington because I promise I do, it's simply because it's december and I need and want to be home for all of the festivity!
can't wait to see all of you beautiful people on the flip side!
and here's a pretty accurate description of finals week as told by one of the greatest christmas movies of all time that I may have laughed at hysterically because I'm already losing it:
wish me luck!
~haley grace
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