Monday, April 13, 2015

in this moment

In this moment, I am insecure. I am doubtful. I am stressed and I am worried. I think too much about my appearance and cry too much about temporary troubles. In this moment, I am imperfect in every way imaginable. But do you want to know what's cool about this moment? In this moment, I have spent one year cleansed and reconciled to God through baptism and the washing away of my sins. In this moment, I have a relationship with the most faithful and wonderful God in all the universe. I am safe and I am secure.
This year has been the biggest and most overwhelming adventure of my entire life. I faced things I never thought I would (and would have been ok if I never had to). I grew in ways I never believed I would. This year was indispensable to my faith. I faced challenges and lost in many ways. But God didn't. He has used this year to teach me and because of that, I am victorious. This year has taught me that I can survive without so many things I thought I couldn't. I learned through all of these ups and downs that God is all I need. I am strong in Him and I am strong enough through his love to face the waves of life that hit me. I am strong enough because He is strong enough. I am so grateful for the year I have gotten to spend in His deep, unshakeable, and unimaginable love. I look forward to this life I get to spend with Him. I look forward to the amazing things He will do through me and the ways in which I will grow. I am so grateful for everyone who has helped me along the way, I don't deserve the love that has been poured out on me. So I want to thank you all.

"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."
John 16:33

God gives me peace, joy, and security. Making the decision to live in His love is, was, and always will be the best decision I have ever made. I can't wait for the adventures this life will take me on. 

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