Tuesday, October 14, 2014

a visit to the place that holds my heart

Hillsborough, North Carolina is your typical small, southern town. I don't think I ever truly appreciated it until I left it. With the endless expanses of farmland and all the charm of a small town, it's no wonder I miss it. Going back to my little town is like slipping on your favorite, worn-out, oversized sweater (or the one you stole from your dad). It's warm and welcoming and always familiar. This past weekend, I got to go back and visit thanks to the wonderful invention known as Fall Break. It was a perfectly pleasant and refreshing trip. Hillsborough also holds my heart because it holds my family. I am so grateful for these amazing people who always encourage me and make sure to laugh at me as much as they get the chance to. I have been blessed so much with this goofy, loving, and crazy bunch of people. I always treasure the times I get to talk to my dad and gain from all the wisdom he has to offer. I will never get tired of laughing from his sense of humor and talking about everything from music to the dreams we have for our lives and our faith. As well as the times, I get to spend doing the goofiest things with my big brother. It was such a blessing getting to see him this weekend. I love all of these crazies. From coming home to my favorite meal (spaghetti, I mean c'mon what could be better?) to late night pillow talk with my mom and best friend it was the absolute bees knees. Oh and not to forgot the shopping that was bound to happen! There's nothing like getting the people together who know you better than anyone and getting to laugh and eat and spend time together, so I am just immensely grateful for this absolutely delightful Fall Break.

me and my beautiful and inspiring mama 

I got my hair dyed for the first time... eep!

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